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Tony Hwang Tony Hwang is offline
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Default Fishing network cables?

bob wrote:
Bob: I'm sure you have a specific reason for hardwire. I'm really just
curious what you're getting over wireless that makes it worth it.

Actually I am using wireless, however the best location for the wireless
router is not in the computer room because it is on one end of the
house. I need a wired network cable to reach the wireless router that I
place in a more central position.

Also, as others have pointed out, wired connections are more reliable.
The wireless are for mobile devices. All fixed devices use wired

Really? Do you know how many schools and campus, hotel, commercial
building, warehouse are WiFi connected? Even my dentist office is all
WiFi. In Europe or places like Korea, Japan, China, it is even more so.
They are ahead of us.