Thread: OT computer Q
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Spehro Pefhany Spehro Pefhany is offline
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Default OT computer Q

On Sat, 27 Aug 2011 11:00:20 -0400, the renowned "Jim Wilkins"

"Steve W." wrote in message

You can get all the caps you will need from the folks there. They also
sell kits for the common failure items as well.
Bad caps are VERY common, there were some bad ones out of China and Japan
for a couple years.
Steve W.

The manual for my 2002 Hitachi monitor says that the power supply caps have
an expected life of five years.


That's what the Japanese engineers I worked with used as their
standard- even for industrial gear. Normally there are only a couple
of parts that actually wear out like that - PSU capacitors and
electromechanical relays. Electrolytic caps used elsewhere tend to
last for decades (less stress- self heating and typically hot
environment, and generally the circuits are less intolerant to
decreased capacitance).

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany
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