Thread: OT? Sluts!
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Steve B[_10_] Steve B[_10_] is offline
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Default OT? Sluts!

"Country" wrote in message
On May 11, 12:44 pm, harry wrote:
On May 11, 4:11 pm, Red Green wrote:
Smitty Two wrote

In article
harry wrote:
t-britis h-slutwalk-rally-2281611.html

Thought this might amuse!

So rape is amusing to you? Or women standing up to those who say that
women get raped because they dress attractively? Sorry, Harry, you're
nothing but a ****ing asshole if that's the way you think.

Not the way I took it Smitty. I personally agree with their stance. What
and possibly Harry...maybe, found amusing is an open movement and
demonstration of such. I was not aware of the previous occurrences.

These woman are half wits. Just wanting something not to be true does
not make it so.
Men are built to think about sex. None of us can help it. Only with
some individuals, it doesn't take much to push them over the edge.
Especially teenagers.
If it were not so, the human race would not exist.

Define "attractively" in the context you use it.

At first I thought Smitty over reacted but after those last three
posts of total bull ****, I recon I'll agree with him.

You are showing yourself for what I've avoided seeing until now.
You're just a low life British Snob. I blow my nose at you. I fart in
your general direction... etc, etc.

Violent people of the type that would use the excuse to rape a woman
just because she dressed provocatively are scum that are looking for a
reason to be violent against women. If they don't find that excuse to
be available, they will find another.


OR, and have you ever considered this extremely remote possibility:

They are a troll. Or they are just plain mentally unbalanced.

Agruing, or even conversing with an idiot or a crazy person means you have
to go down a few levels to have an engaging conversation. People who
realize this have a lot fewer problems in life, or become health care

Either learn to use those little buttons on your computer so you can skip
these conversations, or turn it in, you're too stupid to own it. Or just
fall into every killfile in the place and respond to your own




