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aemeijers aemeijers is offline
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Default foam vs. fiber insulation

On 4/18/2011 10:46 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:

"aemeijers" wrote

I thought the requirement to cover it was only within the living area,
or around ignition sources? I'd love to hang a foam panel curtain from
the sill plate in my abandoned barely-accessible garage bay in the
basement, but nobody around here sells the fire-rated stuff.

ALL foam made for insulation and construction is made from "modified
grade" material. It must meet the specifications or cannot be sold.
I must be in compliance with ASTM C578
Typical specification:
A. Foam-Control EPS in compliance with ASTM C578.
B. Foam-Control EPS with flame spread of less than 25 and a smoke
developed index of less than 450

So why do all the panels in the local Borg say they have to be covered
with drywall? I thought that one flavor of foam panel (can never
remember the name) had been blessed for uncovered installations?

I'm tempted to just buy the thickest foil-covered iso panels I can stand
to pay for, and do it anyway, since there is pretty much no inspection
out here. I'm just afraid I'd have to rip it all down at sale time
though, and that stuff adds up fast.

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