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George George is offline
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Default OT Safety Deposit Box (at a bank)

On 3/3/2011 7:02 PM, aemeijers wrote:
On 3/3/2011 11:36 AM, George wrote:
Secured online backup probably may best way.

How would you know it is "secure"? Serious question, one of the most
fundamental things about security is keeping physical possession. But
now all of the"cloud" marketing departments are busy telling us that
isn't true and we can trust "the cloud" since obviously it is totally

Call me a luddite- I want the CPU, the software, and the storage,
sitting in front of me where I can beat on it. Yes, I am lax about
backups, but there truly is nothing on this spindle I can't live
without. Critical stuff gets burned to disk as I create it, and I simply
don't create that much critical stuff at home. More or less the same at
work- they do back up the assigned work spaces on the shared drives, but
anything important I burn a CD anyway.

I think it has nothing to do with being a luddite. I embrace technology
but I also value privacy and security.

I am not going to violate common sense rules simply because for example
a zero knowledge radio host tells me I should just because they are
being paid to pimp something they don't understand.