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George George is offline
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Default OT Safety Deposit Box (at a bank)

On 3/3/2011 12:05 PM, JoeSpareBedroom wrote:
"Red wrote in message
wrote in

"Red wrote in message
wrote in

wrote in message

"Bob wrote in message

Does anyone in the group have a safety deposit box at a local
bank? Or had one in the past?

I checked at a local bank here (Upstate N.Y.) if it matters. The
one thing I don't like about it, is you don't get any kind of
receipt for what you put in it. Also, the bank says only the
person who has the box has a key to it. The only way the bank
could get into it is if the rental fee is not kept current.

So, good or bad idea to get one? Any opinions and or comments will
be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


You don't get a receipt because no one but you knows what is in
there. You open it, add or remove stuff in a private cubicle.

They require two keys to open. The bank keeps one and you get 2
copies of the other. The three keys are different. Lose one of
yours and you have to pay a rekey fee. Lose both and it gets quite
pricey as the lock has to be drilled and rekeyed.

Great place to keep small, irreplaceable items, stock certificates
or the like. Keeping cash in one is not legal if I recall
correctly. Old coins or the like is not the cash I mean.


It's also a good place to keep data backup media, if one is smart
enough not to believe the Ultimate Stupid Computer Concept: "I don't
really keep anything important on my computer." That's until the
thing breaks and then it's "OMG all my family photos were on that

IMO a safe deposit box is overkill for this as well as updating is
very inconvenient.

16 or 32gb thumbdrive. Backup (encrypt sensitive stuff). Toss in
glovebox. Update at will. Good enough for me.

Secured online backup probably may best way.

Glovebox: Hot. Cold. Stupid.






OK. Been doing it for years. Same thumbdrive survived summers in
southern NC and winters in northern VT. Hmmm, Jan 24th 2011 it was
-25.8. Lemme check it....

[puts reply in drafts]

OK fine.

Famous last words. Remember, too, that breaking into cars is as easy as
opening a refrigerator, but just slightly more noisy.

Maybe you forgot that most equipment carries an operating spec and a
storage spec? Typically the storage spec is much more liberal.