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Hawke[_3_] Hawke[_3_] is offline
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Default Is it me, or ...........................

On 9/10/2010 8:44 PM, Doug Miller wrote:
In , wrote:

Don't hold your breath. He's going to be here long after you're gone.
He's not even fifty years old and is thin and in good shape. I don't
think that describes you, does it. Old, broken down, white man, with few
years left is your description. Count yourself lucky you were alive to
see the first minority president in history. Count yourself unlucky that
you couldn't appreciate him or the job he has done getting the country
out of the hole that your last choice of president left us in.

Pigeon, can I have some of what you're smoking? It must be some really good
sh*t. "The job he has done getting the country out of the hole [Bush] left us
in" -- you're insane. The Federal deficit is far higher now than when Bush
left office; so is the unemployment rate; so is the home foreclosure rate --
how, exactly, has he or anyone else gotten the country "out of the hole"? By
any measure, we're in a *much* deeper hole now than two years ago.

I guess you just don't have access to economic statistics or information
on the economy. Oh wait, you have a computer. So you do have access.
Then why don't you know the facts? Not smart enough to find them or are
too partisan to admit anything good that your opponent does? Either way
you aren't telling the truth.

It is true that some things have not improved or have not improved as
much as we wanted. But things are a lot better than the day Obama took
over. That month over 700K people lost their jobs. This year jobs are
being produced instead of lost. 700K lost vs jobs created. That's a
biggie. But the fact is the recession started in 2007 at least according
to the economists. That's like an avalanche. Once it gets going it keeps
going until it stops. That means all the negative data on housing and
unemployment started back then and it's just now starting to be stopped.
It took years for the misguided policies that caused the problems to
come to an end. But the fact is many things are better. The stock market
is better. Businesses have trillions of dollars of cash on hand. Mergers
and acquisitions are being done more and more. People are saving money
and are paying off debt instead of incurring more. Businesses are making
lots of profit. Airlines and hotels are seeing increases in business
customers. All kinds of things are much better than they were when Obama
took over. I just don't understand why you aren't able to find any of
them. Do you want me to help you find out where you can get the
information? Because all you seem to know is that unemployment is still
bad and the deficit is big. That's only a tiny bit of what is going on.
Too bad you don't seem to know about the rest of it.
