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Graham.[_2_] Graham.[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 1,036
Default Testing CO2 Alarm


Is there some way to test a carbon monoxide alarm? I don't mean by
pressing the test button but giving it CO2 or ... to see if it works :-)


I would imagine that if you start your car and warm it up, and then put the
choke in a bit, then rush round the back and put a bag over the exhaust you
would collect plenty. On nasty modern autochoke models that might have to
be modified to taking the sample just after you've started up. Should be
plenty enough to bag up and waft over the alarm.

Otherwise get a smoker to breathe over it: it takes quite a long time for
them to get rid of the CO from the cigarettes.


Choke!!!! I haven't seen a choke for twenty years :-)
Are you driving a Minor 1000?

His missus needs somewhere to hang her handbag ;-)

