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Andrew Gabriel Andrew Gabriel is offline
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Default Cleaning gutters .. cost ?

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The Natural Philosopher writes:
Mike P the 1st wrote:
I have been asked to quote (in North Yorkshire) for cleaning out
Some are bungalows and others are two story.

Time or by the metre ?

Mike P the 1st

time because some will be easy and some might need scaffolding.

Also, are you going to make any repairs that might be needed,
such as fixing leaking joins?

Pressure washer is a good idea.

Excellent for blowing the rubber seals out, and then you have
a leaking gutter.

I made up a long length of pipe bent around with a hooked end,
and the tip hammered slightly flatter to make a crude fishtail
jet. Hook over gutter, and slowly slide along. Don't use high
pressure or, as I said above, you'll blow the gutter seals,
particularly if they aren't in new pristine condition.
You will end up with sandy mud and other crap from the gutters
down the walls and all over you, and you'll need to hose that
off afterwards (and clean the windows). Wear goggles to keep
the grit out of your eyes.

Interesting thing is that since I started replacing all the
gutters with new ones 8 - 10 years ago, no muck has collected
in the new ones at all, so I don't need to do it anymore.

In the distant past, I have also done it by unclipping and
taking gutters down, when access is easy. You can then also
clean out the seals, and replace any that need it. However,
by the time you've done that, and replaced the odd bracket
which inevitably snaps, you do question if it's worth putting
the old gutter back up or if you might as well fit a new one.

Andrew Gabriel
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