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Tim Lamb[_2_] Tim Lamb[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 6,938
Default Neighbours can be a PITA

In message, Dave
Liquorice writes
On Mon, 5 Jul 2010 09:09:59 +0100, Tim Lamb wrote:

I suspect I am in a minority here so rant over:-)

Nope, I'm with you, provided the rights of way that do cross your
land are signed and stiles, gates etc maintained. Both parties, the
farmer and the public have a duty to respect each other.

Yes. Actually most signage is done by user groups with Highways
responsible for where a r.o.w. leaves the metalled highway. I have a
good relationship with the County Official who supplies bits for me to

Unfortunately many of the great unwashed from the towns seem to think
that the countryside is just a play park for them not a place of work
and the source of someone lively hood.

Umm.. without them, what would I do with the produce?

We don't have crops around here just livestock but I fully support
any farmer that gives any (unknown/uncontrolled) dog on the loose
around their stock the "benefit" of the pointy end of a shotgun. If
the owner is about certainly give warning to the owner to get their
dog under control and back on a lead pronto or it will be shot.

Tricky one, that. It is an offence to have a dog *at large* in a field
of sheep. Shooting a dog not actually engaged in worrying livestock is
likely to bring unwelcome police interest.

Anyway, my guns are all locked away in the farmhouse and not usually to


Tim Lamb