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Robert Green Robert Green is offline
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Default Permitting: rat on neighbor?

"Heathcliff" wrote in message

stuff snipped

I agree. When my neighbor fenced his yard, I was vaguely aware that
there were some rules about sight lines from driveways but I didn't
pursue it. His non-conforming fence basically runs all along my
driveway to the sidewalk. By code, it should have stopped 15 feet
short of the sidewalk. And now I see why: as I'm backing up out of
the driveway, I'm scared to death one of his kids will shoot out from
behind that fence on a tricycle or something. In retrospect there was
a darn good reason for the rule and I wish I'd spoken up earlier. -- H

As a guy whom the very hand of God stopped me from backing over a little
girl on a pink a tricycle under very similar circumstances, I would consider
sending in an anonymous letter. Your issue is clearly a case of public
safety because as you've said, you've got to be able to see to be sure. In
my case - something - I can't say what, made me suddenly brake only to see
the image of a little girl appearing from behind my car. She was never
visible to me until that moment. Since then I've cut down all the shrubs in
the front right of way and try to back in the driveway whenever possible so
I don't have to back into the street butt first.

It's a very weird feeling to know you've just gotten a pass on what could
have been the worst thing in quite a few people's lives. Drop the dime.
You've got a much better reason than the the OP to see a change made. There
isn't a time I back down the driveway without seeing her in my mind and
thinking about how my life would have changed had I not decided to suddenly

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(Insurance Institute for Highway Saftey)

Bobby G.