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Heathcliff Heathcliff is offline
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Default Permitting: rat on neighbor?

On Jun 16, 11:19*am, Smitty Two wrote:
In article

*woger151 wrote:
The neighbor across the street, one house over, is installing some
kind of driveway. *Kind of like a carport, but right now it looks like
it just has sides but no roof.

Definitely some earth moving going on.

My impression is that they didn't get a permit for this.

I'm a pretty live-and-let-live kind of guy, so I'd rather not rat on
him. *(NB: *do not know him.) *Is there a reason in terms of me
protecting myself (i.e., my property value) to rat on him that could
outweigh my discomfort in doing so?

County here is pretty strict about permitting. *I put in a shed (HD
Big Max Jr) and never got it permitted, though I did read up on the
regs about offsets. *Somehow this other operation seems like a bigger

You're walking a fine line, and I feel your pain. But way back in junior
high, we learned that "your rights end where the other guy's nose
begins." The laws, whether you agree with them or not, are there for a
reason. Your neighbor made a choice to live in an area with zoning and
permitting laws, and he is not above those laws, period. I'd make the

I agree. When my neighbor fenced his yard, I was vaguely aware that
there were some rules about sight lines from driveways but I didn't
pursue it. His non-conforming fence basically runs all along my
driveway to the sidewalk. By code, it should have stopped 15 feet
short of the sidewalk. And now I see why: as I'm backing up out of
the driveway, I'm scared to death one of his kids will shoot out from
behind that fence on a tricycle or something. In retrospect there was
a darn good reason for the rule and I wish I'd spoken up earlier. -- H