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Tim Watts Tim Watts is offline
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Default Bog boxing in - sounding out some ideas before I buy stuff

On 01/06/10 19:01, Jim K wrote:

is the bog choice final? just (still ;)) doing a wall-hung bog which
would have dealt with most of that pipe-age and makes a small bathroom
look bigger (apparently) cos you can see under it....

Yes (and to Dom) the bog choice is final ;- I see your points. My
choice of high level was to get a decent flush with the diminishing
amounts of water they hold though. I feel in my bones that I'm not going
to regret that move.

ply - I pondered this when doing above - thinnest I considered was
15mm but went for 18mm - only 3mm after all..
18mm still flexes over a span of 750mm (between two uprights - I'll
add a noggin before final fix) tho plenty of your 2X2 etc should sort

OK - 18mm it is then Thanks for confirming that.

drawers under the bath sounds cool but I can see *a lot* of work for
little practical useful space....

True - and provides weak spots WRT water. OTOH, there is a very sizeable
recess at the rear end - I could store *all* of our spare shampoo,
bubble bath, bleach and whatnots there. Maybe just a door and a shelf.
Doors are easy... Then I don't need a cabinet on the wall.

siliconing bogs in - never done it - but expect some sort of a "cheese
wire" would undo most adhesion should the need arise?

Some here have claimed too - I'd never heard of it before. Despite the
fact that the tiles are dead flat and level under there, the bog base
isn't perfect so I reckon it needs something. That could be a piece of
conformal sheet like rubber or 2-3 layers of DPC or something. Or it
could be some silicone with the bog wedged up on 1mm packers while it
sets then screwed down tight.

I like the cheesewire theory. That should work. hopefully, there is no
reason that I would ever need to take it out in the next 30 years, but I
don't like knowingly shooting myself in the foot

SWMBO came back and we had another idea. I could box in upto 2' high
round the bog *and* the stack, using the same column footprint mentioned
earlier. But instead of continuing the column up as a closed box, I
could change over to open fronted (level with the top of the rear box)
with the sides made of nice wood and not tiled with little shelves in.
OK, the AAV pipe would be visible, but it would be white against white
tiles and behind bog roles and pot-pourri or whatever SWMBO sticks
there. I might use oak, and same stuff for the lid of the back box. That
would be a feature with continuity with the door framing. Bit easier to
construct too. I'm liking this... All the low down stuff will be easy to
wash tiles.



Jim K

Tim Watts

Hung parliament? Rather have a hanged parliament.