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Zootal[_7_] Zootal[_7_] is offline
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Posts: 106
Default Cooper pipe bending limits

"Steve B" wrote in

So I'm installing 1/2 and 3/4 copper water pipe, city water, ~60psi.
Question - how much can you safely bend the pipe without risk of
future failure?

I used some of those Shark Bite things to repair a 3/4" line at my
cabin that was in a hard to get to location. I was skeptical, but
after using them, and it holding for over a year now, I'm sold on
them. A little spendy, but when you have an odd spot, it's Tinker Toy
simple. Bing, bang, boom. Done.


Twenty years from now I'm going to be a plumber. And I'm going to get
filthy stinking rich replacing all of those sharkbite fittings that
people installed twenty years ago cause they are all gonna leak

Seriously - people are relying on a rubber o-ring to make a seal, and
they are going to seal this in a wall??? Know what rubber o-rings do
after 20 years or so? The more I look into PEX, the more I like it and
the less I like the sharkbite fittings.

Using pressboard for exterior siding was a great idea also. Until it
started to disentegrate ...