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Gunner Asch[_4_] Gunner Asch[_4_] is offline
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Default Business as usual

On Mon, 9 Nov 2009 00:11:30 -0600, "William Wixon"

"Beryl" wrote in message
Hawke wrote:
Well, the businessmen are at it again. It was reported today on Moneytalk
that business executives are slated to receive more money in executive
compensation than they are going to spend to fund employee pensions. This
includes executives from companies receiving bailout money from the
federal government. Many of these companies, especially the financials,
have made a lot of money this year since the stock market hit its lows in
March. As a result a lot of executives plan to get huge bonuses, bigger
in fact than they got last year. So as the country sees jobs go bye bye,
and average people got a lot poorer, big shot executives are slated to
rake in billions. Meanwhile, they are putting less money than they are
going to receive in bonuses into the pension plans for the companies'
employees. These pension plans are already underfunded by 200 billion. So
there you have it. You wonder why things are screwed up in this country?
Look at our businesses and look at the top. You'll see why. They live
like kings and make more money than ever as the rank and file American
suffers. You have to love capitalism. At least if you're an executive...
or a republican.


"... only 11% of those questioned across 27 countries said that it
(capitalism) was working well."

the revolution is comin'. is.

Obama Yout

"IMHO, some people here give Jeff far more attention than he deserves,
but obviously craves. The most appropriate response, and perhaps the
cruelest, IMO, is to simply killfile and ignore him. An alternative, if
you must, would be to post the same standard reply to his every post,
listing the manifold reasons why he ought to be ignored. Just my $0.02