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Red Green Red Green is offline
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Default Something to ask your attorney,,,,

"HeyBub" wrote in

tmclone wrote:
On Oct 20, 12:52 am, Oren wrote:
Do you back up data?


"To the person or anyone that knows the person that burglarized an
attorney's office downtown Friday October 16: If it is money you
need, I would be more than happy to pay to get my equipment back, or
a reward to know where it is. There are IRREPLACEABLE DOCUMENTS on
the hard drives-you can respond or anonymize through here, or
contact crimestoppers and leave information as to where the items
can be found without leaving your name."

How stupid do you have to be to TELL THE THIEVES that they have
stolen IRREPLACEABLE documents? Why not just write them a blank
check? I back up each of two computers to the other one (in different
buildings set up for different tasks) each week, and once a month I
burn/update a CD with all the current/new "irreplaceable" stuff which
is stored in a third location. Not exactly rocket science.

Another trick: Google Mail allows god-knows how much storage per
account (more than 7 Gigabytes). You can ZIP up your precious data and
send the results to yourself as a gmail attachment.

It's offsite and available from anywhere.

If seven gigs isn't enough, get multiple gmail accounts.

Yea I've done that with Yahoo mail. But I just picked up a 16GB thumb
drive on sale at Staples for 29 bucks. Works fine for me since I really
have no video or music. Toss in the glovebox. Good enuf.