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Ouroboros Rex Ouroboros Rex is offline
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Posts: 514
Default I think I'm Going to be Sick :-(

Joe Chisolm wrote:
On Fri, 09 Oct 2009 17:53:23 +0100, nospam wrote:

Joe Chisolm wrote:

On Fri, 09 Oct 2009 08:03:50 -0700, Jim Thompson wrote:

...Jim Thompson

Completely de-legitimizes the peace prize.

What? You mean you think it still had some legitimacy after Gore got
it last year?

Obama's their kind of guy. European socialism cannot succeed without
conquering the United States.

cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo

They see Obama as a puppet in an effort
to reverse the American Revolution and re-colonize the US.

tweet tweet tweet

To paraphrase Lenin, socialism must dominate worldwide or wealth and
power will flow to the free market countries.

The radicals in the white house want to see the dollar collapse - they
need continued crisis to force the agenda.

No, that would be globalists and global corporations.

FHA is about to go under
and will require another big bail out. Tack another trillion or so
on the debt-o-meter.

Yep. Thanks, republicans! So, how many of those loans were zero down,
under Bush's American Dream downpayment act? Do we know yet?

The Norwegian Parliament must have worked real hard since they only
had 11 days from the day he was sworn in as president until the
nomination had to occur.

Other folks besides rightards know - nomination and judging are two
different things that take place at two different times.