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cshenk cshenk is offline
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Default Wet Bathroom Wall

"Nicola O." wrote
"cshenk" wrote:

You need to first stop the water from getting in there, then dry it
completely and have that wood checked. It's fairly simple to sister a stud
if it's not badly damaged yet. (That means to add another stud along

Ignored, you will lose the wall and floor. Can happen pretty quick too.

Oh, I should've said, the wall got wet from the inside out. I think
the previous owner muffed the grout job, especially on the soapdish...
which fell off of its own accord a couple weeks ago. The wall gets
drier the further away from the soapdish you go. The grouting was
starting to deteriorate all over the surround though; it probably
wasn't sealed.

Probably it then but while you have the wall down, check all fittings.
Might want to replace some as it's a cheap fix just then. Check the wood
carefully and don't get cheap about replacement. It's the golden moment
where it's cheap to fix from the sounds of it.