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Steve Walker Steve Walker is offline
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Posts: 517
Default OT Who is "SID" and why has my bank card stopped working

On Wed, 22 Jul 2009 20:38:34 GMT, ARWadsworth wrote:

"stan" wrote in message
On Jul 21, 7:24 pm, "ARWadsworth"
I tried to withdraw some money from a cash point on Saturday and again on
Sunday. I assumed that the cash machine was empty when I failed to get any
money. I tried again today and "Unauthorised access" was displayed on the
screen. I then phoned the bank and just before my mobile phone battery
I was told that "SID" was in place.

Any ideas on what a "SID" is? The bank is now shut and I cannot call them
back until the morning.



Quote: "The bank is now shut and I cannot call them back until the
Huh? You mean that your bank does not have 24 hour toll free phone

For lost or stolen cards then yes my bank has 24 hour service to report

My card was not lost or stolen.


One of my cards deinitely has a fraud department with a call centre that is
only open during "office" hours, so if your card is stopped by them outside
those hours, you can't do anything about it 'til the next day - very nice
if you're out or away and your only means of paying for a ticket home or a
hotel room for the night is the card that they've stopped!
