Hey PETA, Screw Wildlife
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Posts: 27
Hey PETA, Screw Wildlife
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On Thu, 09 Jul 2009 14:56:54 -0700, Billy
In article ,
(Vladimir Tschenko Badenov) wrote:
On Thu, 9 Jul 2009 13:43:37 -0700 (PDT), ctlady
Apparently you chose to live on land where there has been wildlife and
you expect them to just move out because you are here?? It's you who
has invaded their domain. They really are not aware of property
lines. You seem to appreciate looking at them from a distance. Why
don't you just move back to the city and watch the animals in the
zoo? Leave the wildlife alone. They were thre first.
Vladimir think you are enviro-nutcake tree hugger, care more about
animal and tree than human. Original poster say that area has lots of
woods, etc. for shelter, living space. No need to encroach on
humans, to tear apart furniture. What does that have to do with
getting food and surviving? Crazy turkey, crazy deer. If human being
tried to live under your deck or violate space of person planting
flowers, you would be on phone in no time calling policemans.
As any enviro-tree hugger, such as myself, will tell you, you are not
separate from nature. If you think you are, then you are the nut case.
What the lady was suggesting was coexistence, or some concession, like a
compost pile where the raccoons could get first dibs on the watermelon
rinds, which might keep them out of your flower beds. I have raccoons
roaming my yard at night, sifting the garden mulch for food. They do
some damage but nothing I can't live with. If worse come to worse, get a
motion activated sprinkler. 'Course, you're gonna forget about it, and
get drenched;O) You're the one with the big, conceptual brain, you
should be able to think of some cooperative strategy to reduce
Oh, and don't worry, wildlife is getting screwed. Two hundred years ago,
we could live off the land, now we can't. When are YOU going to get
alarmed, when, except for the zoos, the only animals left are pets and
food animals? Our biosphere is dying, and we can only save it, one
raccoon at a time.
Hey Senator Gore,
If you think that the biosphere is dying, look to overpopulation, but
focus on the politically-correct groups that you lefties include on
the "victim" plantation. They're the ones who're ****ing their brains
- Billy
There are three kinds of men: The ones that learn by reading. The few who
learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence and
find out for themselves.
Will Rogers
How about putting that in English instead of neo-speak.
How about some examples. Think you could do that?
I have no problem with ****ing my brains out. Heartily recommend it to
- Billy
There are three kinds of men: The ones that learn by reading. The few who
learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence and
find out for themselves.
Will Rogers
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