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Jon Danniken[_2_] Jon Danniken[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 629
Default Curiousity, Spring Planting plans?

"cshenk" wrote:
Just curious what things others here may be planting. Might get some
interesting ideas!

For me, it's a combination of flowers and food things in a container
garden. (I didnt get to make the raised bed this year and am still job
hunting so not time to buy the last of the stuff for it).

The food things are easy seed lettuces and a few tomatoes, some squash
(yellow) and Bok Choy (from seed, should be a fun little trial). 2 bell
pepper plants and 2 cucumber plants later (have to get them still). Thai
basil, sage, to match the rosemary bush that didnt die in winter.

Wild flower mix along the fence, mixed with climbing morning glory.

A few flowers out front, considering a couple of hanging arrangements this
year, veggies in a bed out back. Thinking about a seperate bed for some
strawberries, too....
