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Hawke[_2_] Hawke[_2_] is offline
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Default "I Hope Obama Fails"

Hmm...sounds like a domestic terrorist to me.


Limbaugh: 'I Hope Obama Fails'»
"Are conservative talk-show hosts eager to go on the attack, after
years of defending Bush?" asks the Louisville Courier-Journal's Larry
Muhammad. The answer is clearly yes.

Barack Obama has not yet taken office, and Rush Limbaugh is already
rooting for his failure. On his radio show last Friday, Limbaugh said,
"I disagree fervently with the people on our [Republican] side of the
aisle who have caved and who say, 'Well, I hope he succeeds.'"

Rush Limbaugh is a moron. Who the hell cares what he thinks or wants?

He should stick to the things he does best----drugs.


I'll second that. I happened to see a bit of Limbaugh being interviewed by
Sean Hannity today. Limbaugh is nothing but a blowhard. What is amazing is
how this guy is so popular. He's really a dumb**** and doesn't know what
he's talking about but he comes across with extreme confidence. He's no
expert on anything and is just like the man on the street giving his opinion
on things he knows little about. That so many people listen to him and
follow him is really astonishing. As someone else said, if you were to read
what he says instead of hearing it you wouldn't give this guy the time of
day. You would just write him off as a loon. He's just a great example of
what kind of weird person people will chose to follow. They don't have to
have anything going for them and people will still follow. Limbaugh is fat,
ugly, uneducated, misinformed, and an arrogant and cocky guy. Now that I
think of it, he's a perfect example of a right winger's leader.
