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Cydrome Leader Cydrome Leader is offline
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Default "I Hope Obama Fails"

Harold and Susan Vordos wrote:

"Buerste" wrote in message

"Harold and Susan Vordos" wrote in message
.. .

"Libby Loo" wrote in message

"Too_Many_Tools" wrote in message
Why would someone want America to fail?

Hmm...sounds like a domestic terrorist to me.


Limbaugh: 'I Hope Obama Fails'?
"Are conservative talk-show hosts eager to go on the attack, after
years of defending Bush?" asks the Louisville Courier-Journal's Larry
Muhammad. The answer is clearly yes.

Barack Obama has not yet taken office, and Rush Limbaugh is already
rooting for his failure. On his radio show last Friday, Limbaugh said,
"I disagree fervently with the people on our [Republican] side of the
aisle who have caved and who say, 'Well, I hope he succeeds.'"

Rush Limbaugh is a moron. Who the hell cares what he thinks or wants?

He should stick to the things he does best----drugs.


At least Rush has good taste in drugs! I had the pleasure of a recent
root canal and the surgeon gave me 12 extra strength Vicodin. I can see
how somebody could get hooked on these little "pharmaceutical vacations"!
I still have seven left, I'm keeping them safe, I take them out every once
in a while just to look at them in admiration!

Strangely, Susan and I each had a tooth extracted last Friday. They were
cracked, so a root canal wasn't a solution. We both think we've been
married to long----how in hell both of us ended up with a cracked tooth
within days of one another is one of those mysteries we'll never understand.

Anyway, we were prescribed pain medication. Didn't even bother to have the
prescriptions filled. I'm not keen on risking such things---although I
have one hell of a strong constitution and rarely give in to such
temptation. The only thing that has ever run my life is my thirst for
gold, and my love for music. I'd hate to get hooked on one of those little
magic vacations you spoke of. Be strong-----I have yet to meet a person
that has an improved life because of drugs.


I agree.

I threw out nearly all the vicodin after having some intense dental
work done.

You need to eat before taking those things, and it's hard to eat when your
mouth is a stitched up wreck. By the time you can eat again.

I suspect if you have a decent pain tolerance and something called will
power, you don't need most of that stuff and won't get addicted to
drugs/pills/whatever in the first place.

Those that are weak and can't control themselves always find destructive
addictions anyways.