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DerbyDad03 DerbyDad03 is offline
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Default Motion light turns on for a few seconds after inside lightsswitched off

On Aug 14, 11:58*am, BigLar wrote:
I recently replaced my back patio light with a security (motion)
light. It is on a switch that is inside. It seems to work fine with
the exception of one odd behavior. When I turn off a light in the
house (kitchen or living room), the security lights come on for about
20 seconds. It doesn’t do anything when I turn on the lights in the
house. Only when I turn them off. I’m guessing they are on the same
circuit. In addition to the white and black wires at the mount, there
was a copper ground wire coming out of the wall. The security light
mount had a ground screw, but I chose to put the ground on the copper
ground wire instead. Would that have something to do with it? Anyway,
I don’t expect it is a hazard and I can live with the oddity but if
anyone has a good solution, I would like to try it. Thanks. Larry

I’m guessing they are on the same circuit.

If you don't know if they are on the same circuit, you should be
spending a little time mapping and labeling your breaker box.

I'll assume you turned off the breaker for that circuit before you
replaced the light, right? And I'll assume it was daytime so you don't
know what other lights were affected, right?

I certainly hope that's the case.