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william kossack william kossack is offline
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Posts: 108
Default testing a vacuum pump

John wrote:
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Leo Lichtman writes

"william kossack" wrote: if it works, how much should I pay for it?

owner thinks he can rig a 220 for a test

Has the owner given an asking price? I have bought vacuum pumps anywhere
from $20 to $70.

That's a lot cheaper than the ones I used to buy at work, back in the
80's They were about $6000 ran on 240V and took about 10 amps

the ad said $200 or best offer. I'll try making a much lower offer.
Don't know if he would take $70 not if he is asking $200 unless he is
really hurting.

PS I'm thinking of using this for vacuum chucking. I've looked at the
Gast pumps the big mail order places sell and on paper they look the
same as this one. $70-$100 would sure be better than $400+