Thread: First Bowl
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Tanus Tanus is offline
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Posts: 526
Default First Bowl

skeez wrote:
On Mon, 03 Mar 2008 18:47:32 -0500, Tanus wrote:

Hi all,

I'm making my first bowl. Years ago, my
dad had signed up for a turner's course
and got to the point where he had his
blank that was about 9" by 4" and it was
glued onto a faceplate mounter. That's
as far as he got, and it was moved more
times than my mother cares to remember.

Dad died last spring and my mom produced
this blank and said, "Please do
something with it." I figured it was a
good starter project. A simple
straight-walled bowl with nothing fancy
to it.

It is. I'm having a great time. I have
sharp tools, Darrel's jigs and a
mountain of shavings. All I'm working
with is a skew, thumbnail gouge and
parting tool. I haven't seen much use
for the parter yet, and expect I won't.

I've got the outside mostly round, and
the inside roughed out.

But the inside walls are where I"m
having some problems. Two, to be exact.
They're likely related.

I can't get the wall smooth. One of the
reasons is that to get to the inside
wall, I nearly have to stand on my head
to get the tool on the wall. (Wall
closest to me. I can easily reach the
far wall, but the wall's going the wrong
direction. DAMHIKT if you put a gouge on
the wrong direction wall, the butt of
the gouge will kick back. Into your
chest. Leaving you breathless. And
looking 'round to see if anyone
witnessed it.)

As stated, I don't have gouges that are
bent to get into those places, and I'm
wondering if I can get my walls smoother
without having to turn the lathe around.
Or buying new tools.

Anyone got any suggestions?



do a search for oland tool. I just made two of them and only spent
less than 20 bucks. took about 11/2 hours to do both. these things are
great! I am waiting for some m2 cutters from amazon but in the mean
time I busted the flutes off a drill bit and ground the smooth end to
an edge. grind a flat on the top and round the end to around 20 to 30
degrees. I used 5/8 rod and a 1" copper union for the ferrel on a 20"


Cool. That sounds so easy. I need to get
more into this kind of thing. Thanks.

