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SteveB SteveB is offline
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Default Home Depot return policy w/out receipt

"Walter Cohen" wrote in message
Anyone know what HD's return policy is if you do not have a receipt? I
know they take your drivers license number but is there a cap as to how
much stuff ($) you can return without a receipt before they disallow it?
I know Walmart puts you on a 'black' list and after a while (not sure how
you define 'a while') they disallow you returning items.

Anyway, I purchased a small $ item last year ($13.96 door closer) and
didn't need it. I looked far and wide for the receipt and couldn't locate
it so I took the item back to HD and got a gift card (which is ok because
I'm always in their store).
Wouldn't you know it the next day I was cleaning off my desk and came
across the receipt!
Of course the receipt was 9 months old(!) and the receipt states they
would take the receipt items back for 90 days so it is doubtful if I could
have used the receipt to return the item. Too bad I can't go back (or
call HQ) and give them the receipt and have them take me off their 'list'.


I don't think they have a "list", or I'd be on there. I have returned a
BUNCH of stuff in the last year. However, I've also spent at least $5k at
Home Depot in the last year. It was almost all on credit card, so they
would have a customer file on me, and not on someone who had spent as much
in cash.

I think they are pretty lenient figuring you'll spend the gift card or lose
it like you did the receipt, and they'll be that much more ahead. I know
when I return stuff, I'm usually on a mission to get more stuff, and use up
the gift card plus additional $$$.

I know WalMart and others are cracking down on serial intentional return
people. Buy it, wear it once, and return it. I don't think articles of
clothing should be returnable at all unless defective. With hardware, if it
's in the original packaging, or saleable, it's just good business for them
to take the items. It's different than other more personal items.
