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Jon Slaughter Jon Slaughter is offline
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Posts: 72
Default If Democrats Had Any Brains...

"Jim Thompson" wrote in
message news
If Democrats Had Any Brains...

They'd realize the shenanigan they just pulled in the House of
Representatives will be used against them during the Presidential

Good ;-)

...Jim Thompson

I doubt it matters who wins... this country is going down the drain and no
amount of calling for "change" can change that(specially when you have no
clue what you want to change for). All this mess started rolling in the
60's and its just getting worse.

Everything things they have the right to screw the next person, they can
play god, that they deserve a better life just for being american(and there
idea of a better life is to sit on their asses without contributing). It
can't last, its mathematically impossible. Barack calls for change but he
has no idea what he wants to change too. I believe he's just another
con(just look at this "pep rallies".. are we electing a prom king or a
president?) put people senset his inevitability about our country.

We should have the best and brightest to choose for president but what do we
have instead? What can you expect from a nation of morons? When the
average citizen cannot multiply much less solve a simple algebraic equation.

To me, Barack is a 50-50 shot... he either will screw the country up
completely or he will do some good. I think with McCain, its the same old
****... except with a jalapeno flavor. People want change but as usuall they
don't want to do what is necessary to make it happen... hell, they don't
know what change they want and this is why barack is so appealing to so

In any case, doesn't matter to much cause neither you nor me or anyone else
reading this post has any real say so in what's going to happen. I suggest
you hedge your bets just incase though because if past history is any
indicator of the the future then don't have much farther to go.