Thread: blocked drain
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Roger Mills Roger Mills is offline
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Default blocked drain

In an earlier contribution to this discussion,
Peter wrote:

The toilet waste joins the same chamber but by a different route.

That's comforting!

My interest in 'sleeving' is only to avoid digging up the neighbours
block paving. The pipe run is only about six feet from kitchen trap
to inspection chamber. The drain guy hit solid blockage about 2 feet
from the chamber putting it directly under the fence. My guess fwiw.
Concrete fence post install crushed the soil pipe probably years ago
and we've been watering the foundations ever since.

Sleeving is ok in cases where the bottom of the pipe has collapsed, leaving
a hole for stuff to fall into and get caught up. But you've got to have a
clear path through the pipe - you can't install a sleeve if there's a fence
post in the way! You may be able to dig on your side, and tunnel to the
obstruction without disturbing your neighbour's block paving. How deep is
the drain?

Could you divert the pipe from the kitchen gulley to join up with the pipe
from the stack?
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