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Scott Zrubek Scott Zrubek is offline
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Posts: 40
Default Making use of inner bench corners?

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mac davis wrote:

On Tue, 29 Jan 2008 16:09:21 -0800 (PST), Davej wrote:

I'm just about to rebuild my workbench area and am a little confused
about how to make best use of the available area and in particular how
to efficiently use the inner corner of an "L" shaped bench. A nice
depth for the bench will result in a rather deep and inaccessible
corner area. What can be done to make better use of that area? I'm
just curious what other people do. Thanks.

Lazy Susan?

I saw 1 kitchen with a v-shaped set of drawers to fit a corner.. weird but it
worked for them..


Please remove splinters before emailing

Norm visited a showroom with very neat, but probably very expensive
drawers designed for that area.

That said, I'm working on the same issue. Currently, the plan is for my
phone, hanging tools to go above. A light box for stained glass might
go across as the cabinet top.

The base. I'm not sure yet. Open shelves for paint, etc.? Scroll saw
storage? I'm just not certain. I need to do more of a layout in the
shop to get a visual.