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Default busy building a minibike chopper from scratch, check it out!

"wallster" wrote in message

That would be cool with me-these kids around here don't make anything.

I was their age I was putting a lawnmower motor on just about anything I
could find. Still remember my first go kart, with a Reo engine.

Sure wore out a lot of shoes : )

yeah me too! we used to use scrap wood we scrounged in our garages and

these go karts (had alot of ****ed off Fathers when they're lawn mowers

missing wheels!) then graduated to mini bikes, custom bicycles, whatever

could throw together on a hot summer day, couldn't keep us from building
something. My favorite memory of those huge go karts was the steering
system. We would use an old broom handle fed through a drilled hole in a

by four and another at the end. The front axle had rope attached to each
side and wrapped around the broom handle (steering column) it actually
worked, not very well, but it worked!
Funny how kids dont make stuff like they used too anymore... i think

we were told to "go out and play", afterall, nothing but soap opera on tv
back then.

My linkage was angle iron and a bell crank. There was no such thing as
welding for us, and the only power tool we had was a 1/4" electric drill.
Any larger holes were filed out after we rounded it with the bit as much as
we could. I can remember when someone actually bought a Comet clutch for $10
dollars-until then everything was belt drive with a tensioner (if you were
lucky-most things were push starts)

We also used to pound a wood roller from a reel-type lawn mower onto the
shaft of an engine and clamp it to the frame of a bicycle right behind the
seat. The roller would rub the tire and off we would go. Seems like we
always came up with something fun to do about 2 weeks before school started