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JoeSpareBedroom JoeSpareBedroom is offline
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Default Can't believe this...

"dpb" wrote in message ...
Nate Nagel wrote:

We did look particularly at Moen based on the recommendation of the guys
at the plumbing supply house. They said that they preferred Moen and
Delta with a slight edge to Moen, which is why I was surprised when it
was not my work that leaked but the faucet itself. Meanwhile the 20 year
old Delta is still working fine but doesn't have the sprayer nozzle which
was the whole point of the exercise.


I've not installed a recent Moen, but I'd be _very_ surprised if it's a
generic design defect. I'd check first of all that the installation was
actually correct (maybe if it's somewhat unusual the order of rings, etc.,
might be wrong?) or there's a piece missing or something similar.
If there were a generic problem, you wouldn't be the first. If you can't
figure out the problem, take it back to the supply and find out the cause.


If Moen changed the design, eliminating the traditional threaded fitting, my
*guess* it they did it because the fitting in question can be tricky to
reach, and that can result in cross threading. Know what I mean, when you
can't get your hand at the correct angle?

I'd prefer to struggle with the right kind of fitting, though. Everyone
knows you turn the fitting backward till you hear or feel the first click,
and then go forward.