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aemeijers aemeijers is offline
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Default Sears Craftsman Lawnmower Breaks on Third Use

"Kate" wrote in message

"Steve Barker" wrote in message
ELECTRIC lawn mower!!1 LMMFAO!!!.


Me too

Now, now. For some people and some lawns, they make a lot of sense.
Pre-1960s, 40 or 50 foot wide, 100 foot deep urban lots with lots of
plantings barely have any actual lawn, anyway. If lawn is flat, and less
than 1/4 acre, the care and feeding of a gas mower may be overkill. On my
semi-rural lumpy hilly 2/3 acre, where buying a tractor is tempting but not
justified, an electric would die in a month. But if you only have a little
square out front, a stripe down each side of house, and most of backyard is
taken up with alley driveway and seperate garage, it'd probably work fine.

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