Thread: Storing Paint?
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Norminn Norminn is offline
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Default Storing Paint?

DerbyDad03 wrote:

What's the best way to store that 1/2 gallon of paint left over after
a project?

I don't think I've ever opened a used can that's a few months old
without finding rust along the inside lip or a film of dry paint on
top. I am very careful about cleaning the lid and the seam where the
lid seals and making sure the can is closed tight - rubber mallet

This morning I had to strain a 1/2 gallon of Kitchen & Bath paint
because of the rust that fell in when I opened the can.

Too much moisture where the paint is stored. Perhaps a plastic bag
around the can would help. I have several different products - primer,
varnish, lacquer - that I use repeatedly and they are fresh after at
least 3 years. I reseal the lid with a mallet - actually a wooden meat
tenderizer that I don't use for food - and just tap around the rim
evenly. Also, when it is opened, don't pry only one side but go around
the rim at several spots. If your storage area is damp, it might help
to wipe the rim with a light coat of oil when it is first opened.