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Jak Jak is offline
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Posts: 25
Default Anyone recommend a smallish, cheapish combi boiler?

On Mon, 14 May 2007 20:55:13 +0100, John Rumm

There is not legal definition it seems (the statuary instrument uses the
phrase without defining it, so ultimately it would be up to the courts
to define should push ever come to shove). CORGI registration is
required if you do the work professionally, but not for stuff you DIY.

Have a read of Ed's excellent gas fitting FAQ:

My take on it is that if you can reliably make joints, can learn how to
work out the pipe sizing, how to pressure drop test a system, and how to
purge it, along with carry out anything required in the boilers install
manual, then you are a good deal of the way to being competent for that
particular job (rather than being a gas fitter in general).

backlash, if I just go ahead and do the whole job? I'd certainly like
to avoid paying a corgi plumber - if doing so isn't going to invite
headachey beurocratic problems.

Well if you do it right then not much. There is the requirement now that
new heating installs are red taped by building control (to state the
comply with the required energy saving measures). To cross all the tees
etc, you would probably need to involve them in some way (someone will
be along in a mo to specify how).

That's very helpful. Thank you. Perhaps I can 'DIM' after all... but
hope not to come unstuck with the requirements of the new "HIP" (home
information packs).
