Thorn proofing wheelbarrow tyre
Robert wrote:
I am fed up with repairing punctures caused by thorns from the various
shrubs scattered around our perimeter. I was thinking of using some
'Slime' inner tube sealant but it occurred to me that I should be able
to line the inner of the tyre with something that is relatively flexible
but thorn proof. I understand that something is available for bicycle
tyres but I imagine that it would be far too narrow for the barrow tyre.
Grateful for any suggestions for a readily available lining material
which would need to be 70mm or more wide.
There are two basic CAN get some sort of kevlar banding
that is really puncture proof, but I have been - on the advice of a
local farmer - injecting the slime every time a wheel on my lawn tractor
goes flat. None so injected have gone flat again. It really works. Try it.
Its cheaper than kevlar.