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Rick Brandt Rick Brandt is offline
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Default How do I stop new toilet seat from slipping?

Mortimer Schnerd, RN wrote:
Rick Brandt wrote:
bob kater wrote:
sure you bought the correct seat for the toilet you have??? Never
had that issue before.

Just bought new plastic ones myself and have the same issue. It's a
combination of a slick material and bolts that are considerably
smaller than the whole they go through.

I had the problem in the past. What I ended up doing was going out
and buying a new seat that had a solid bar across the back where the
seat and cover flip down. Once I had one of those, there was no way
for the seat to slip to either side.... the other side held it in
place and the bar kept it rigid.

This isn't the exact one I got (bought mine at Lowes) but you can see
the bar I'm talking about at the back of the seat alongside the

That was the kind I replaced. While I prefer the look of that style hinge, all
the tightening (and loosening) has to be done from the bottom which was
difficult on both of my toilets due to the clearance around the toilet. Given
the length of the bolt and the funny plastic nut used I had no tool that would
fit. Was stuck using Pliers.

That made it difficult to get the bolts snug enough when installing and it was a
real PITA to get those off as one of the threads was "stiff" all the way to the
end on at least one side.