Thread: Bulb coloring
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wayne wayne is offline
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Posts: 24
Default Bulb coloring


DIMwit wrote:

for at least 15 to 20 years, or so, I have been buying R30 75 watt
reflector floods at the electrical supply house that had "painted"
ones. they are painted a pink color that looks great in the den,
which has used brick walls and other items that look nicer with
colored lighting. I want to replace these with compact fluorescent
reflector floods that are colored the same. I have been unable to
find them so far using Google, nor finding a paint or lacquer to
color plain bulbs.

The incandescent 75 watt bulbs I have been buying appear to have been
painted after the manufacture of them, and with a paint that peels
from the heat somewhat after a while.

The compact fluorescent bulbs only get warm, so whatever I paint them
with does not have to be very heat resistant.

Anybody know what kind of paint or lacquer I can use that will allow
enough light through it to be practical in coloring these bulbs?

