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Stormin Mormon Stormin Mormon is offline
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Default Leaking steel pipe - how to fix

If it were a no pressure system like a sewer, I'd suggest take the bad
section out and use Fernco couplers.

I don't know if one of these would take the pressure and temperature
of a heat system. 15 PSI and 190F is a bit much for a rubber coupler.


Christopher A. Young
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"Dave" wrote in message
I have a leaking steel pipe that supplies warm water to radiators in
my house.

A plumber dropped by and said it would be easiest to cut the bad part
away and
weld a replacement. The pipe is about 2 inches thick.

The replacement is about two feet.

The plumber gave me a quote of about $2000 which I promptly refused.

What about using a fiberglass or something else? I'd rather just cut
the cracked
steelpipe part away and weld a copper replacement part. Any ideas?