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N8N N8N is offline
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Default double wall switch - working separately, but not with eachother?!

Hi Readers,
I need help with an existing double wall switch. These two switches
(on opposite sides of the room) used to control an electric outlet (for
a table lamp). I rewired it to control the new ceiling-mounted light
fixture I installed. I did something wrong: each switch will turn the
light on and off, but I cannot use one switch to turn on the light, and
the other to turn it off. Any ideas on what I did wrong?

Any advice appreciated.
Thank you.

I'm thinking you're actually describing a pair of three way switches,
google for "3 way switch" or "three way switch" and see if you find a
diagram that answers your question. Sounds like you have your
travelers mixed up with the line and load. (that will make sense when
you find a diagram.)

good luck,
