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[email protected] is offline
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Posts: 7
Default Which 8-1/4" circular saw?

Has anyone done a comparison review of 8-1/4" circular saws? I've
looked for an article where they list all the various features and tell
how each brand did.

I want to find the lowest weight 8-1/4" circular saw with soft start,
brake, dust control, lowest noise, maximum depth of cut, easy blade
change, enough power to cut 2x hardwood (oak, maple, mahogany) without
burning up.

I'd prefer less than 15 amps required so I can use it with older house
wiring or a portable generator. Speed of cut is less important because
I'm already wasting time doing two cuts with a 7-1/4" saw (plus a lot
of planing and sanding) to get the job done. I'd save enough time with
an 8-1/4" saw to make up for a slower cut speed.

I know nothing's perfect. Obviously, a Wish list is just that. I'll buy
whatever meets the highest priority needs best.

If this were a gun, I'd look at Browning, if that helps.