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Default Kenwood stereo tape deck playback problems

T Shadow wrote:
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Don't laugh but a Kenwood tape deck that I have (model KX-3510) sounds
like it is possessed. The tape does not play correctly. It almost
sounds like it is skipping.

Check the pads on the cassettes that holds the tape to the head. I had a
bunch of them come off around the same time on the same brand tapes. Other
brands weren't too far off from this age either.

Yep, might be the pads. Had similar symptoms a while back when I was
trying to archive some 8-TRACK tapes to CD. First and biggest problem
was finding an 8-track player. Took several months of haunting the
local thrift stores, finally found one that worked perfectly. Of
course, the first 8-track tape I put in there, sounded like the OP
described. Popped the tape out, looked it over, and discovered that the
40 year old foam pressure pads had literally disintegrated, turned to
dust. Had to resurrect the pads on every tape I tried.

Funny thing, after copying the tapes, I re-donated the 8-track player
to Goodwill. 20-ish year old kid at the drive-up. Wanted to know what
the heck that was. Telling him it was an 8-track player made him none
the wiser. Told him they were in a lot of cars in the 60's, don't think
he believed me.
