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Roger Roger is offline
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Default Bit of steel pipe

The message .com
from "Davao" contains these words:

It currently doesn't have a steel pipe lining so thats another
reason I think it should be done again.

It's a new one on me. I hve never seen that done or heard the need. For
one reason or another, the copper needs insulating from the masonry
with tape.

If you are woried about the integrity of th wall, why not knock half a
brick or so out and fill in with concrete or somesuch? If draughts, a
very smal amount of faom filler.

Weatherlawyer resides in my killfile so I did not see his original
posting but as I understand it gas pipes need to be sleeved as a
precaution against leaking gas into the cavity. When BG moved my meter
the fitter used plastic pipe which was a sliding fit on the gas pipe.

Roger Chapman