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Dave Plowman (News)
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Default Cordless drill - best for occasional use

In article ,
OG wrote:
I've just decided the cheap and nasty cordless drill isn't ever going to
suddenly hold better charge. The trouble is that it can go months
between use, and a NiCd battery is not ideal if you never really run it
down fully.

It's a myth you have to discharge Ni-Cads fully.

Is anyone aware of a decent brand where I can look to spend up to £40 on
a cordless chuckless drill that I can expect to get several years
occasional use out of without having to concentate on battery
maintenance (presumably I'd be looking at NiMh for that).

Decent Ni-Cads hold a usable charge for a few months. If they're don't
they're faulty or poor quality. Unfortunately, NiMH don't hold a charge
as long. Weeks, more like. If you really must have a cordless drill that
is ready to go at any time in peak condition you'll need to arrange some
sort of timed charge.

*Eat well, stay fit, die anyway

Dave Plowman London SW
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