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Posted to uk.d-i-y,
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Default Advice requested: wireless microphone for use with laptop

Firstly, many thanks to all the kind people who responded - I now have
enough ammunition
to confront the club with some suggestions and take it forward from
I still reserve the right to come back with more questions (please).


Owain wrote:

I've already plumbed my old laptop in to the Public Address system
so we can play appropriate music at the game stoppages.

For which you or the venue will require appropriate licences for
performing rights and mechanical copyright.

With respect to Owain for his kind help, and risking invocation of his
I didn't raise the issue of "appropriate licences" and I take some
at the insinuation that we are doing anything illegal.
I'm sure Owain meant well, but you know which road is paved with good
intentions! :-)

For anyone that wants to share in the program (its a Java program, no
supplied) then please wander over to
and fight Java to get the damn thing working!

