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Default OT_Heavily armed NRA Sheep

On 29 Oct 2003 06:22:43 -0800, (Beecrofter) wrote:

Gunner wrote in message
Confronting Liberals with the facts of reality is very much akin to
clubbing baby seals. It gets boring after a while, but because
Liberals are
so stupid it is easy work." Steven M. Barry

Quick definitions (liberal)

# noun: a person who favors a political philosophy of progress and
reform and the protection of civil liberties

I don't understand which of these concepts you are so opposed to.
In most of your posts you appear to be rational.

Thats the problem with quick definitions, rather than looking at what
actually IS is. You gave the definition of Classical Liberal btw. By
actual practice..todays US Liberal should be called a Neo-Lib, and I
have done such. In fact, todays US Liberal has much in common with
Fascism tempered with Socialism.

The definition of liberal has changed much over the years. In the early
19th Century the label was applied to those who believed in limited
government, free trade, personal ownership of guns, and opposed the
antithesis of free trade, war and interventionism. Starting in the early
20th Century thru the mid 1960’s liberal described a supporter of large
intrusive government, controlled trade, and a call for equalitarianism
through socialism, worship of state, war and interventionism. Since the
1960’s liberal has been used to describe those who support a large
intrusive government, social programs, equalitarianism, and are opposed
to personal ownership of guns, and free-trade.

Care to disagree? We can discuss other "definitions" that have little
bearing on actual practice as well.....

"Diversity" is defined as a group that includes a black Marxist, a
lesbian Marxist, a gay Marxist, a Latino Marxist, a transgender Marxist,
a feminist Marxist, a Native American Marxist, and so forth. The one
kind of diversity not permitted is diversity of political view or

You might be a liberal....

You have ever used the phrase "protecting prisoner's rights". You call
the capital punishment "murder" but call murder "pro-choice".

You've ever said "But look at all the good Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy
has done for the women of this country!"

You argue that the Second Amendment only refers to Federally organized

You view Jane Fonda as a courageous heroine with strong convictions.

You believe it because "Dan Rather wouldn't lie about something this

You ever based an argument on the phrase, "But they can afford a tax
hike because..."

You've ever argued that with just 1 more year of welfare that person
will turn it around and get off drugs.

You keep count of how many people you know in each racial or ethnic

You believe that a few hundred loggers can find another career, but the
defenseless spotted owl must live in its preferred tree.

You feel that Green Peace is misunderstood.

You've tried to argue in favor of anything based on "Well, they're gonna
do it anyway so....".

You've ever stated "How does what he does in his personal life have any
bearing on doing his job?"

You don't understand all the commotion about Whitewater, Vince Foster,
selling US foreign policy for campaign contributions, it's just
politics, right?

Upon hearing that President Clinton committed a rape and murder as part
of Whitewater, you replied, "So what?"

You are not shocked when someone says "F---" but are profoundly shocked
when someone says"N-----".

You are against sexual harrasment except when committed by Senator

You think heterosexual love is a male chauvinist plot to oppress women.

You own an espresso maker, a cusinart, a vibrator, and a heated water
bed and yet oppose off shore oil drilling and the construction of
nuclear power plants.

You think that the Unabomber might have a good point.

You think George W. Bush is a bigger threat to world peace than Saddam

You think every problem is the direct result of the government not
spending enough to solve it...

You think making $100,000 /yr makes you "rich"...

You think Fox News is a biased network, and Al Jazeerah isn't...

You think suicide bombers and other terrorists are "militants"...

The answer to every problem in the Middle East is the end of Israel...

You think Castro is anything other than a petty dictator...

You think a tax cut is bad for, but a tax hike helps the poor...

You think the Dixie Chicks and Tim Robbins should say what they want,
but O'reilly, Hannity, and Limbaugh should shut up...

You trust CNN for anything beyond the current temperature...

You think SUVs are supportive of terrorists, but houses with 19 car
garages are AOK...

You think wanting the US to win a war is jingoistic...

You think the deaths of soldiers is preferrable to another term of GWB
as President...

You think FAIR, is...

You liken the Perdue factory to a concentration camp...

You think Clinton was a paragon of ethics...

You think the 2000 election was "stolen"...

You feel my pain...

You think "choice" applies only to abortion...

You think Mumia is a political prisoner...

You think the word "unilateral" is defined as "without France, Germany,
and Russia"...

You think that every misbehaving child has ADD or needs therapy...

You're still convinced there are no infidels in Baghdad...

You believe that AIDS is spread by a lack of federal funding.

If you think polls should dictate morality.

You think that consenting adults can engage freely in every activity
except capitalism.

You believe that Clarence Thomas is corrupt, but Janet Reno is doing a
good job.

You think the really alarming violence takes place outside the abortion

You believe that global warming is caused by white Europeans and not a
normal fluctuation of the Earth's weather patterns.

You pray to "The Woman Upstairs."

You pale at the execution of child killers, but defend the killing of
unborn children as an expression of choice...

You think we never gave peace a chance.

You believe the National Rifle Associations helps criminals while the
American Civil Liberties Union protects the innocent.

You feel good about the MicroSoft court case.

You protested American intervention in Vietnam, but support American
intervention in Haiti, Somalia, and Bosnia.

You think the real evil is American oil and tobacco companies and not
Cuba or China.

You begin sentences with the words "I feel."

Your driver's license has a hyphen because for you one last name just
isn't enough.

You don't think "All in the Family" is a very funny program, but watch
it anyway because Meathead makes a lot of sense.

You think OJ is out looking for the real killers.

You think it takes a village.

You think that the words "to promote the general welfare" in the
Constitution mean to promote welfare generally.

You think that, even though more people voted against him than for him
in both the 1992 and the 1996 presidential elections, Bill Clinton had a

You think that conservatives, like preservatives, ought to be federally

You ever wore earth shoes.

You think sexual harassment is rampant, date rape pervasive, domestic
violence common and Paula Jones is lying.

You believe Anita Hill, but think

You can't figure out how Ronald Reagan won 49 states in 1984.

You have ever wondered out loud, "Why can't we all just get along?"

You think the New York Times prints all the news that's fit.

You think that Rush Limbaugh is just an entertainer.

You think Jesse Jackson is a good spokesman for the black community.

You spent Columbus Day reading Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee.

You reach the limits of your talent and then complain that you ran into
a glass ceiling.

You wear more ribbons on your lapel than in your hair.

You think that the really dangerous McCarthy was Joe, not Eugene.

You blame the Unabomber's parents.

You fail to see the connection between Lenin and Lennon.

You have ever agreed with Martin Sheen or Barbra Streisand...

you've ever left your sociology class thinking, "That professor really
knows what he/she/it is talking about."

you associate the words "model American" with "Bill Clinton"

you think Dan Rather represents media impartiality

your response to anything Rush Limbaugh says is, "Well, he's fat."

the first word in the description of your hair color is "neon"

you've ever tried to protect the ozone layer

you've stood for animal rights, but wear leather belts and sandals

you've ever given a dollar to a bum so he can buy more liquor ... ummm
.... food

you ever use the words "Clarence Thomas" and "Uncle Tom" in the same

you are a vegan

you have a bumper sticker that says "You Can't Hug With Nuclear Arms" on
your car

you believe diversity represents the extinction of the white race

you've ever walked around carrying one of those Javahhh mugs

you pay a 185 percent markup for organically grown food

you cheered for "Obstructing Justice Simpson" last Tuesday at 1 p.m.

you don't think it's right to kill rapists and murderers, but do think
it's right to kill babies

you have anything to do with the Compassionate Living Fair

you want more funding for AIDS research but less for cancer, despite the
fact that cancer kills many more people per year

you have the entire menu at Cup-A-Joe memorized

you consider yourself open-minded but refuse to listen to anything Jesse
Helms has to say

you abhor censorship unless it's censoring race, religion, Conservatism,
Western culture or Rush Limbaugh

you found yourself unemployed after this past November's election

you're a dope smoker or a womanizer ... oh, sorry, that's "You might be
a Clinton cabinet official if ..."

you're the dolt who stole the "Helms '96" bumper sticker from my car

you think the phrase, "... separation of church and state" is in the

you cry, "You can't legislate morality," but defend the Roe v. Wade
decision in order to legalize your moral position on abortion

you stay informed by watching MTV News

you have an "I'm Straight But Not Narrow" button pinned to your book bag

there is a ring in any part of your head other than your ears

you think religion is bad for school kids to learn, but think condom
giveaways are just what schools need

you molest campaign workers, then lie about it on national television
.... oops, my mistake again, that's "You might be Mel Reynolds if ..."

you think Jesse Jackson is a good spokesman for the black community

you think Jesse Jackson is good at anything

you lie in bed at night worried that Pat Robertson might be out to get

you attribute the rising illegitimacy rate, crime rate or problems in
the inner city to Ronald Reagan

you've ever held up a grocery store line trying to pick between plastic,
which isn't biodegradable, or paper, which cuts down innocent trees

you think the National Organization for Women is made up of average
heterosexual women with no lesbian agenda

you're on the committee to construct the Gay Jewish Women's Cultural
Center -- there's a slight chance you're a liberal

you blame Ronald Reagan and George Bush, but not the spend-happy
"Democrooks" for the huge national debt

banning assault weapons is your solution to end crime (what do you mean
punish the criminals?)

you tell me how to live by telling me I can't tell people how to live
And finally ...
you think Ted Kennedy is sober and monogamous.

Care to discuss the topic?


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