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Default Want a longer lasting light bulb

"Mel" wrote in message
I put two standard 25-40 watt light bulbs in my pump house every winter to keep
things from freezing. Is there a longer lasting bulb out there? These usually
of out mid-winter and I have to make sure I catch it or I could have problems.

I read where putting in European Bulbs that run off 230volts, run at our 115
last a long time. Only problem, where do I get these bulbs if they are the

This is Turtle.

The problem is you have a 120 volt rated light bulb attached to a so called 115
volt service but it is really 123 or 124 volt service going to most houses. So
you have 124 volt electric service supplied to a light bulb rated for 120 volts
service. So the light bulb is on voltage service higher than the light bulb is
rated for.

So find you some Ruff Service light bulbs or really just 130 rated volt light
bulbs. All automotive Parts store [ auto zone, Napa , or Pep Boy ] carry ruff
service light bulbs and will have them for about $1.00 each. Also [ not the correct sight I think ] has these bulb called ruff
service light bulbs. Now here is a warning here. If you want the light of a 75
watt bulb , you better get a 100 watt rated ruff surevice light bulb to get 60
watts of light. The Granger ruff service light bulbs last a long time [ like 2
to 4 years ] but just are very short of light of what it is stated as wattage to
be given off. Here is a scale to see.

100 watt Ruff service = to a 75 watt regular light bulb.
75 watt Ruff service = to a 50 watt regular light bulb.
60 watt ruff service = to a 45 watt regular light bulb.
45 watt Ruff service = to a 25 watt regular light bulbs.

Now the bulbs at the auto parts houses seem to burn brighter than the www
granger bulbs do.

Now also most all Helicopter landing pads with lighting will have ruff service
130 volt light bulbs in them. They don't like changing light bulb either.