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js.b1 October 14th 09 06:37 PM

Porch door in front of existing doors - PD & BR?
Relative has an existing porch.
- Ornate concrete arch over quarry tile floor, inset 5 large leaded
stain glass windows around leaded stain glass solid oak door (inset
about 2ft, never measured). Height overall about 2.9m.
- Existing U value is numerically equivalent to the gov't overdraft.

Under Permitted Development I believe I can...
- Add porch doors - arched window & slim double doors spring loaded
- Subject to not touching the existing external door (new draught
strip & brush letterbox)

What I am unclear on is BR...
- Can I laminate/laminate DG myself - or do I need to go BN or Fensa

I want toughened re risk of "broken glass cubes" on quarry tiles. Both
her knees are gone re slip risk.

If I do need FENSA or BN it shoves the price up and I'll just buy her
window film/panels & new thicker curtains (already got thermal
linings, just the curtains are now paper thin). Sometimes I think
bubble-wrap gaffa tapped to curtain hook tape would actually perform
rather well as it flows better than thermal linings, but never mind :-)

js.b1 October 15th 09 09:25 PM

Porch door in front of existing doors - PD & BR?
On Oct 15, 8:18*pm, John Rumm wrote:
Re part L, IIUC, you can "repair" without notification. That would
include re-glazing, or reframing (but not both together. Hence I can't
see any reason why secondary DG would be a problem. Following the
general spirit of they way BR are implemented, you certainly won;t be
making it any worse.


I would have thought you needed laminated then? Toughened will shatter
into cubes etc.

Sorry, yes, I meant laminated.

Unfortunately she also wants new curtains - typical :-)
So it will be new curtains this winter, building new porch door if

js.b1 October 16th 09 05:50 PM

Porch door in front of existing doors - PD & BR?
On Oct 16, 1:21*am, John Rumm wrote:
Well decent lined curtains are not to be underestimated... probably do
more for your u values than an extra sheet of glass.

Now ordered, floor to ceiling :-)

Lined curtains so that creates an extra air pocket, with thermal
linings behind.

The top part of the window could easily be window-film or acrylic
panel. Just hunting down a suitable moulding which can be painted to

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