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  #1   Report Post  
Posted to alt.war.vietnam,alt.support.depression,alt.home.repair
external usenet poster
Posts: 593
Default WATCH (if you must)! Roman the Illiterate Unibrowed Grik Foreskin PEELER gets, greekd by other Griks after PEELING their foreskins and SUCKING their smegma!

On Tue, 25 Sep 2018 22:36:07 -0500, "David"

I might, semite.

You might WHAT? Do what the Foreskin Peeler does????


"jew pedophile Ron Jacobson (jew pedophile Baruch 'Barry' Shein's jew
aliash)" wrote in message
.. .


That is DISGUSTING...even for a 'gay' semite!

- -

" I don't even have the heart to tell him I've never infested
- Klaun ****tinb'ricks (1940 - ), acknowledging that he lied
from the very beginning, A jew scam, as expected

" My real name's McGill. The jew thing I just do for the homeboys.
They all want a pipe hitting member of the tribe, so to speak."
- Saul Goodman (Bob Odenkirk). "Better Call Saul" (2015)

"Die Juden sind unser Unglück!"
- Heinrich von Treitschke (1834 - 1896)

"But vhere vill ve be able to vatch gay jews taking black cock up ze
- Klaun ****tinb'ricks (1940 - ), bemoaning the depletion of jews
in Hollyvood and the effect on his viewing preferences
  #2   Report Post  
Posted to alt.war.vietnam,alt.support.depression,alt.home.repair
external usenet poster
Posts: 29
Default WATCH (if you must)! Roman the Illiterate Unibrowed Grik Foreskin PEELER gets, greekd by other Griks after PEELING their foreskins and SUCKING their smegma!


"jew pedophile Ron Jacobson (jew pedophile Baruch 'Barry' Shein's jew
aliash)" wrote in message

On Tue, 25 Sep 2018 22:36:07 -0500, "David"

I might, semite.

You might WHAT? Do what the Foreskin Peeler does????


"jew pedophile Ron Jacobson (jew pedophile Baruch 'Barry' Shein's jew
aliash)" wrote in message
.. .


That is DISGUSTING...even for a 'gay' semite!

- -

" I don't even have the heart to tell him I've never infested
- Klaun ****tinb'ricks (1940 - ), acknowledging that he lied
from the very beginning, A jew scam, as expected

" My real name's McGill. The jew thing I just do for the homeboys.
They all want a pipe hitting member of the tribe, so to speak."
- Saul Goodman (Bob Odenkirk). "Better Call Saul" (2015)

"Die Juden sind unser Unglück!"
- Heinrich von Treitschke (1834 - 1896)

"But vhere vill ve be able to vatch gay jews taking black cock up ze
- Klaun ****tinb'ricks (1940 - ), bemoaning the depletion of jews
in Hollyvood and the effect on his viewing preferences

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