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Default The Planned Murder of the Able-Bodied White Male

On Oct 14, 10:58 pm, Cerberus
The Planned Murder of the WHAM (White Heterosexual Able-bodied Male)

by The Idea Man

posted May 16, 2004

Let me make it clear at the outset that this is not a message of
defeatism; it is one of fact and one of warning. It's a prophetic
message, but it's up to you whether it comes true or not. I believe it
will, because no one cares. And those who do, the system has already
demonized past the point of their being of any value, at least value
enough to stop what is happening. So you keep this article and you
store it; and take it out and read it every now and then. And then
you tell me if every bit of it is not coming true.

If you are a White Heterosexual Able-bodied Male (WHAM), you need to
understand that affirmative action and race quotas are not about
providing your dark counterparts with opportunity. They are about
obliterating you and your offspring by taking you out of life's
opportunity game to the point of total elimination.

You need to comprehend, also, that you are already pretty much
eliminated; the only thing left is to eliminate you physically, and
that's occurring everyday as your children marry into the dark hordes,
even accompanied by ringing cheers from browbeaten, kowtowing parents.

Even the most recent immigrant from the Dark Third World arrives in
the U.S. with more legal rights than you or your sons have. As a
"person of color" the immigrant is admitted to universities and job-
training programs by means of much lower standards than are applied to
you. Along with his easier entrance standards comes the potential for
receiving free aid and perks that you do not have. This Third World
barbarian has the right to be hired and promoted ahead of you despite
being far less qualified for the job. He further expects and demands
that he be treated better than you; WHAM's don't have those rights. He
can sue you for discrimination for a variety of reasons - for example,
if you don't want to hire him, make him a bank loan, or rent him your

But you cannot sue him for the same reasons. He can call you names,
but you can't call him names. His special legal status is growing as
politicians pandering to him for his vote create new crimes that only
he can suffer as victim and only you can commit as perpetrator. His
special rights are based on race, but you cannot base anything in your
life on race. If you do you'll be sued, or at worst jailed, and at
best ostracized and demonized as a societal outcast.

His official designation is "preferred minority." He is a member of a
new aristocracy with status-based rights, and as soon as he arrives in
this nation, he begins learning about his preferred legal position as
a race- based entitlement. After he figures this out, he wants even
more. He does not want to create. His culture does not teach him to
build or to create, but to take from those he sees as having what he
does not have. That is why he is here in the first place: to take
your property and your women, because above all things he lusts for
WHAM flesh.

You might say, "You're crazy and paranoid! We WHAM's outnumber the
minorities. We have all the power, money, the highest quality jobs,
and best land. Immigrants currently work in McDonalds and clean our
homes and our yards. We have our property rights and they protect

Well, that is exactly what the majority of White South Africans said
scarcely more than ten years ago to those who were warning them of
their impending demise. Look at South Africa today; it's open season
on Whites! As a result, our people are fleeing that nation by the
hundreds of thousands every year. The ones still living there are
attacked daily by the dark hordes who are rarely prosecuted for their
heinous acts against Whites.

The fact is that those minorities that so many of our people think are
negligible have superior legal status over you in every court in the
land. It is just a matter of time until their lust for more of what
you have eats into your life and your children's lives, as has already
happened to WHAM's who are less well off than you are. More and more
judges take the bench every day who intend to side with these
"minorities, because they are the same as he is--not only in color and
in race--but also in envy and hatred toward you. More and more
attorneys finish law school every year in debt to the people who want
to destroy you. More and more graduate every year knowing that they
were not qualified to enter in the first place; they were passed
because of who they are, not what they knew or what they accomplished.
Then they will start suing you, defend the beasts who rob and attacked
you, and help elect race-traitor politicians who will work to enact
laws against you.

Indeed, you are already a smaller percentage of the population than
you think. Many WHAM's--those in college and university faculties,
media, entertainment, the Damocrat Party, public employee unions, the
bar association, the ACLU, and corporate executives--have allied
themselves with these "preferred minorities" and against you. And
today much of the Republicoward Party is working against you, even
though you make up the majority of its voters.

Oh, you might say, "I'll vote Libertarian. They're for me and there
are no minorities in that Party." Well, let me tell you, the
Libertarian Party has also been taken over by the same enemy that has
harassed your race for thousands of years, and will not stand for any
type of legislation which will help you. The Libertarian Party did
not start out wanting a borderless society, but it does now. You have
nowhere to go, and the sooner you realize it, the better off you'll

Some work against you for the power and prestige it gives them. Some
have bought into the myth that WHAM's have what they have because
their ancestors stole land from poor, innocent, ignorant Indians who
didn't know any better and used slave labor to gain the prosperity
they now have. Others are so racially mixed themselves, to the point
of never actually having fit in when they were young, and they want to
get even with the "WHAM power structure" for persecuting them.
Others-- specially trial lawyers--have followed the money by suing
well- off Whites and demonizing them as evil thieves who scoff up all
the nation's wealth.

These half-genetic (or less) WHAM's who have made themselves the
allies of the dark hordes live mainly in urban areas where there are
already large concentrations of"preferred minorities." In the last
election, the vote in a relatively few urban areas outnumbered that of
the entire rest of the country and gave Albert GaWhore a chance to
steal the presidency from George Bushamonte. In other words, the rural
and suburban White vote is quickly becoming meaningless. In the next
election it will either be meaningless or at best negligible. That's
why Bushamonte is trying to buy votes from the "preferred minorities"
at this time by pandering to Mestizos.

Homosexual and disabled White males also vote against you. The latter
have achieved preferred status and homosexuals are now demanding it;
they know the only way to get it is to displace you. Some states have
already given it to them, and soon they will have it across the
nation--you cannot stop it from happening.

"Revolt!" you say, "if this is true. Let's gird our loins and fight."
But if you do you will stand alone; your kindred will not stand with
you. They will take the side of the government and the media, both of
whom hate you, and you will go the way of David Koresh with your
enemies gleefully cheering your demise.

Oh yes, the immigrants among you are going to help that happen too,
because their values are different from yours. Homosexuality and
bestiality or even pedophilia are not forbidden taboos in their
cultures. Voodoo is their religion, no matter if they call themselves
Catholics or charismatic Christians. The real source of their
religion lies in the Dark Continent.

Feminists have torn many White heterosexual women from your side. From
childhood the school system that you pay for with your taxes urges
young girls to think about a career and to look down at women who opt
to raise children and run households as brainwashed retrogrades. They
teach them from childhood that dark males are better than light ones,
that it's chic to intermate, to have dark-skinned children out of
wedlock and to abort White children. They are brainwashed to believe
that tan skin is beautiful and that light skin is ugly. Millions of
your women have bought into this propaganda wholesale and live it
every day, and you can't say anything to them or do one damn thing
about it.

The system that passionately hates you also teaches White women to
believe that WHAM's have paid themselves higher wages than them and
placed themselves in higher positions just to hold down women, and
that you only want to keep them barefoot and pregnant. It is time for
women to get their fair share and to get even for eons of injustice,
the System preaches to them.

Speak to your average young woman today and see for yourself; she
wants wealth for herself, and she wants power. Most often if she
can't get this promised wealth and power, she'll blame you for it.

The U.S. Government has made tax laws that favor two-income families
to help force women into the workplace and out of the home. Thus,
every day you turn your children over into the hands of people who
will teach them that homemaking is akin to a crime, that it is
outdated, sexist, and only stupid, illiterate enslaved women who
become homemakers.

It has become dangerous for a WHAM to marry. Laws have been changed
out from under you just in the last ten years, many of them brought
about by the Skinflinton/Rhino Justice Department.

Due to fanatical feminists lobbying state legislatures, you can be
completely innocent but your wife can walk away with another man (or
woman), your children, half of your property and pension and a good
chunk of your earnings for many years to come. If you resist, your
wife can hit you with child abuse charges or physical abuse charges
that might not be true in any real sense of abuse; but her lawyer- -
who most often hates you--will urge her to play hardball against you.
You will not get a fair trial, and even if you win in the end, it's
going to cost you a fortune and your entire life will be washed out in
public. Even if you win, you'll lose many friends and much of your
own family will even turn against you. Fellow-workers will look at you
with eyes a little askew from then on.

Police sex crime units, desperate to prove their value to society, and
to justify the claims of fecal-brained feminists, will go out of their
way to charge you with a "sex crime" and send you off to prison.
Before you know it, they'll have your children on the stand testifying
about things you never even dreamed of doing. Things that generations
of WHAM's have done within their own families the courts will claim
are crimes against humanity, and you will be the one committing them.

Yet, if you leave your wife, for almost any reason, you might very
well be hunted down like a mad dog, locked up, and then made to pay
for the rest of your life, kept from seeing your children except when
your ex-wife approves, or even demonized to the point that you cannot
see them at all except on a few privileged occasions. Your salary can
be confiscated, along with any property you might have; but if your
wife is the one making the money in the family and has the property,
and she leaves you, it's just tough for you. You have almost no
recourse. Lawyers will of course tell you differently, but after you
pay them all you can, you'll see it was money spent for naught.

Affirmative action and quotas have given women privileges comparable
to the racial privileges of the dark hordes. WHAM's are the only group
in America without privileges or preferred legal standing of any kind.
And there's no sign that any are coming your way!

Your persecution began in the fifties when the baby boomers were first
flocking to public, government-sponsored schools. You and your
ancestors are demonized in the most vicious terms everyday in schools
and universities. You are part of the evil "power structure," simply
because you are an WHAM, although you might just work a nine-to-five
job and have no power whatever.

And trust me when I tell you that a much, much greater amount of
persecution than this is about to come onto you and your children. By
2010 you will look around you and you won't know your nation, because
you're gonna think you're living in the Barrio section of East LA.

These same universities that your ancestor WHAM's founded and built
are teaching that all your past successes and contributions are based
on holding others down: namely, the dark hordes and women. They
don't mention that in Africa today and much of the Middle East women
are mere chattel, worth no more than brown straw ready for the fire
heap. The traditions that your forefathers began at those schools
have already disappeared, and in many cases the anti-WHAM's have
erased the founders from the history of the school or they happily
state that the school has moved past its racist, sexist past.

They also teach that laws your ancestors created are of your own self-
serving construction. They say your WHAM fathers created those laws
to protect you and persecute them and that the rule of law is nothing
but a maze of racist and sexist laws designed to oppress the dark
hordes and women and keep you in power. You have done nothing but
evil throughout history. The more you are punished and the sooner you
are wiped from the face of existence the better. They say that you,
just as they say about the German people during WWII, are inherently
evil and must be wiped out for the sake of the rest of harmless

Every White leader in history who did not pander to a leftist ideal
has been turned into an oppressor of innocents; many who did not are
quoted out of context and the anti-WHAM's claim them as their allies
against you! And your children have already been taught these things
and believe them. In many cases it's too late to turn that
brainwashing around, and in fact your children have come home from
school and have convinced you that race-mixing is fine--that the dark
hordes deserve everything that you have and it doesn't matter how they
get it. It's simply not "fair" for you to have everything, and them

In many cases you have bought into this line of anti-White propaganda.
Your children have taken on the culture of the dark hordes; they dress
as they do they, talk as they do, listen to their music, and even
think as they do. Most have deserted their faith, and if not, then
the Christianity they believe in is one that brings all the "races
together in peace"-it has nothing to do with worshiping Jesus Christ
as God and Savior of the Universe! It has all to do with lifting one
group up, and thereby putting another one down to the point of

You have no leaders, no organization, and no spokesmen. Anyone who
attempts to rouse you immediately becomes an outcast; he is tagged as
a racist and a sexist, and if he goes far enough, a fascist or a NAZI.

Even if you just try to warn your fellow WHAM's or any members of your
own race about their demise, you will be tagged as a hater, or someone
who "teaches hate," although your opponents actually have much more
hatred in their hearts than you. Your own kind will even use these
terms against you, as they did against Pat Buchanan when he ran for
office and spoke out against the invasion of the dark hordes from
South of the Border.

Obviously, anyone speaking out for you is immediately slandered and
called names. He stands to lose his job and his platform to speak.
The IRS will come down on him and perform intricate audits that can
easily take years and bankrupt him, as it has David Duke, the "dirty,
evil racist" who has been warning his fellow Whites about dark crime
and the invasion of the dark hordes for thirty years. The IRS did
"specific, detailed audits" on him several years in a row. It took
him out of the speaking arena, and broke him, although the audits
produced nothing criminal. Later, the government trumped up a charge
against him to convict him of a crime.

Anyone who speaks out about what's happening the FBI and other federal
agencies will have his name down as a potential felon in "race
crimes." His name will go on lists all over the country where he will
be tagged with the most slanderous names of the times. If a "hate
crime" is committed in his area, even if he had nothing to do with it,
the evil perpetrators will be questioned about him. He himself might
even be dragged in for questioning, his house or office raided, and
material confiscated "as evidence" that he is "promoting hate."

As a WHAM you have nowhere to go and no way of protecting yourself
from the vicious propaganda and anti-WHAM agenda that your enemies are
aiming at you. You are too politically weak to stop the immigration
that is making you into a minority in your homeland. Too many people
are against you when you speak out because they're scared,
brainwashed, or already have one of the dark hordes in their family
and have bought into race-mixing. Your government, the entire media,
and most of your own religious leaders are against you.

Yes, you can arm yourself and you can surround yourself in walled
enclaves as many of you have done in big cities and suburbs. (Some of
my own family is walled in right now in San Diego, LA, and Houston.)
But soon it will not matter. They are outvoting you, outbreeding you,
outfighting you, outshouting you, and they are going to get to you
through the government, the courts, and the tax system. If not you,
then your offspring. And it's not going to be a pleasant sight.

You are losing the ability to reproduce as your women, influenced by
feminists, increasingly eschew procreation. Because of race-mixing
your sperm count has already dropped below that of a hamster! The
birthrate of native-born White Americans is significantly below the
replacement rate.

More than 42 percent of White American women of childbearing age are
childless, and have no intention of having children. They want their
careers; to hell with the innate female need to reproduce! Career
paths dictated by sex quotas are increasing the percentage of
childless White women. You are, my dear White male friend, doomed! It
is just a matter of time.

The murder of the WHAM is happening before your eyes. It's just a
matter of a short time until you are buried and your type is obsolete,
a relic of an evil past best forgotten much, like the master/slave
system or real Christianity. Get used to it, and prepare for it.

http://www.amren.com/ American Renaissance

http://www.vdare.com/ V-Dare

http://www.newnation.org/ New Nation News

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